Childcare cost survey closed – thank you for your time!

We would like to thank all of the parents and childcare providers who have taken the time to complete this year’s Childcare Cost survey. The survey is now closed. We have been delighted with the response rate and the level of engagement we have received, highlighting the importance of this issue.

What happens next?

We will now be analysing our survey findings before publishing them in the Autumn and, in the meantime, are continuing to carry out interviews with childcare providers in Northern Ireland.

We will use the information gathered to prepare a report that will give a strong evidence base which can be used to inform policy makers of the key issues faced by parents and childcare providers and, if necessary, lobby for change to ensure that Northern Ireland has a childcare infrastructure that meets the needs of children, parents and childcare providers.

And watch this space as, over the summer, we will be revealing the lucky winners of the family stay at the luxury Galgorm Resort & Spa and the iPad Mini 2!


If you have any queries about this research, or would like to discuss your views in more detail, please contact Aoife Hamilton on 028 9267 8200 or email

If you are concerned about the cost of childcare and how it impacts on your family, remember that you can call our Family Benefits Advice Service for advice and guidance on 028 9267 8200.