All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare

The Stormont All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare was established in 2020 to promote best practice policy and provision in the delivery of early education and childcare in Northern Ireland. Following its Annual General Meeting in May 2024, the following officers were elected:

Chairperson: Nicola Brogan, MLA (Sinn Féin)

Vice-Chairperson: Diane Dodds, MLA (DUP)

Secretary: Sinead McLaughlin, MLA (SDLP)

Treasurer: Kate Nicholl, MLA (Alliance)

Further information about the All Party Group can be found on the Northern Ireland Assembly website here.

Since its establishment, the Group has met every second month and, as well as its MLA membership, has benefited from the constructive engagement of a wide range of key stakeholders including:

  • Departmental officials
  • Membership bodies from the early education and childcare sectors
  • Childcare providers
  • Charities and civic society organisations
  • Women’s sector lobbyists
  • Industry and employer representatives
  • Academics
  • Trade Unions
  • Other elected representatives.

Meetings of the Group provide an opportunity to hear from expert speakers and practitioners, as well as to discuss key issues affecting children, parents, childcare providers and our economy and society as a whole. They are regularly attended by 40+ stakeholders from across the childcare and early education sectors.

Employers For Childcare provides the secretariat for the All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare. To find out more, or to be added to the invitation list email Aoife Hamilton at

You can find an update on each of the meetings of the All Party Group below:

June 2024: All Party Group on Early Learning and Childcare hears from the Stronger from the Start Alliance and about childcare for children with additional needs

May 2024: Annual General Meeting of All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare

April 2024: All Party Group on Early Learning and Childcare hears an update on the Review of the Minimum Standards for day care and childminding

February 2024: All Party Group focuses on the quality of early learning and childcare in Northern Ireland

November 2023: All Party Group hears about the experience of support for childcare in the Republic of Ireland

September 2023: All Party Group hears about the impact of childcare policy developments in England on early years and the key role of childcare in tackling disadvantage

June 2023: All Party Group hears about impact of finding and affording childcare on working parents and receives an update on the new Childcare Strategy

May 2023: Annual General Meeting and re-election of officers of All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare

April 2023: All Party Group hears about recent childcare developments in England and an update on the Review of Minimum Standards and the Childcare Strategy

January 2023: All Party Group hears about the impact of rising childcare costs on poverty and gender inequality

November 2022: All Party Group hears of crisis facing childcare sector in Northern Ireland alongside learning from international best practice

September 2022: All Party Group highlights importance of progress on new Childcare Strategy for Northern Ireland

June 2022: All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare AGM

March 2022: Key priorities for a new Childcare Strategy – views from stakeholders

January 2022: Vital role of early education and childcare in giving children the best start in life 

November 2021: Vital role of childcare in the economy highlighted at All Party Group meeting

September 2021: Education Minister addresses All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare on progress towards a new Childcare Strategy

June 2021: All Party Group on early Education and Childcare AGM

May 2021: All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare meets to hear about childcare for children with additional needs

March 2021: All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare learns about policy developments in other jurisdictions

November 2020: All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare focuses on importance of childcare to the economy and maternal employment

September 2020: Education Minister addresses All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare

August 2020: First meeting of the All Party Group on Early Education and Childcare










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