Childcare For All

Childcare For All logo

Employers For Childcare is one of a network of organisations that have come together to form the Childcare For All coalition, calling for universal, child-centred childcare that meets the needs of children, families, childcare workers and providers and benefits society. We have developed a Childcare For All Charter setting out a vision of a childcare system that is affordable, accessible, flexible, high quality, and which supports children’s education and development. We also want to see the value of childcare work recognised with decent pay and terms and conditions.

The coalition was established in early 2018. We set an ambitious programme of work for our first year during which time the coalition has grown, establishing a bank of knowledge and experience from across a range of sectors, and pushing for progress by organising a number of events to build the presence of the coalition.

  1. In May 2018 we launched the campaign at Stormont with political representatives and policy makers, and were delighted to secure widespread support from each of the parties.
  2. At a Family Engagement Day in November 2018 we gave families an opportunity to meet, discuss their experiences and put their views directly to politicians. Families focused on the affordability of childcare but also on the importance of accessing suitable childcare for children with disabilities or complex needs.
  3. In March 2019 we convened a policy conference bringing stakeholders together to hear research and evidence from those working in, and on, the childcare sector in Northern Ireland.

Childcare Policy Development Conference: Exploring Drivers and Addressing Barriers

On Monday 11 March 2019, the Childcare for All Campaign hosted ‘Childcare Policy Development in NI: Exploring Drivers and Addressing Barriers’ in Riddel Hall, Belfast. The conference was sponsored by the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland and the Administrative Data Research Centre NI and brought together ninety participants from government departments including education, health and finance and diverse organisations who are concerned with child poverty, disability and gender equality.  A short film reflecting the issues parents face in accessing affordable childcare was also launched at the conference.

We have prepared a Conference Paper drawing together presentations from the day, as well as insights and reflections from participants. The Paper links to further research and is intended to provide a robust evidence base informing policy development in this area. You can read or download the full Conference Paper, or the one page executive summary, by clicking on the links on the right hand side.

Cross Party Working Group on Early Education and Childcare

Employers For Childcare is delighted to be part of a new Cross Party Working Group on Early Education and Childcare. Alongside other members of the Childcare For All coalition, we will be working towards delivering a childcare infrastructure that achieves quality, affordable, flexible and sustainable childcare for all in Northern Ireland.

First Meeting Cross Party Working Group

Keep up to date on the latest from the Childcare For All campaign by following the campaign on Twitter.

If you are interested in joining the coalition please contact

Download the Charter

You can read or download the full charter by clicking on the link on the right hand side.